Fig.1 Our Framework. Fig.2 Inspired by Cognitive Neuroscience.
Detecting salient objects with complex backgrounds is
still a challenging problem. Under the background having similar
colors with complex patterns of salient objects, existing methods’
performance is not satisfied, especially for multiple salient objects
detection. In this paper, we propose a framework based on
cognitive neuroscience to tackle with these challenges. According
to cognitive neuroscience, human visual system is sensitive to
depth of field, conspicuous color, moving objects and central
object of scene. In the proposed framework, we imitate these
human visual characteristics with following approaches: (1) using
depth to represent the depth of field in the real world; (2) using
luminance which imitates the light changing to represent the
relative motions among objects; (3) using the center-bias to
enhance object around the center. Experimental results on two
challenging RGB-D datasets demonstrate that our method is
superior to the existing methods in terms of effectiveness.
Experimental Results
Fig.3 Left:PR curve of different methods on RGBD2* dataset. Right:ROC curve of different methods on RGBD2* dataset. Fig.4 PR curve of different methods on RGBD1* dataset. Fig.5 Visual comparison of saliency maps on RGBD1* datasets.
This work was supported by the grant of National Science Foundation of China (No.U1611461), Shenzhen Peacock Plan (20130408-183003656), and Science and Technology Planning Project of Guangdong Province, China (No. 2014B090910001).